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Join Social Media Strategists & Success Trainers
Beth Reed & Kelly Van Balkom for

Social Media Communities That WORK!

Register NOW and receive 120 posts for your community that get engagement, shares, and likes!

Here it is… a complete program to building a community that gets others to join, stay and share!


Join our course NOW and receive INSTANT ACCESS!
Course Introductory Special Pricing $67


Course + 2-Part Social Media Strategy Sessions
Introductory Special Pricing $217

Check out our Top 6 systems you’ll receive

from our 4-part series “Social Media Communities That WORK! and SO MUCH MORE!

How to launch–or re-launch–your group with MASSIVE NEW MEMBERS! You’ll receive our step-by-step ‘Community Launch Formula’ that will ensure many new members join your community!
You’ll receive our ‘Invitation Launch Bash’ program on how to invite everyone to your Launch Celebration–i.e., online happy mail system script, contests that keep your community excited, creative ways to use your biz page to get engagement and creative ways to get others to promote your group and SO MUCH MORE!
You’ll get our step-by-step plan on how to keep your community engaged! YES! You’ll receive 120 posts for your community that will get engagement, shares and likes! More importantly we will coach and train you how to create your own ideal posts from several resources that will make it easy!
You’ll get Our ‘BFF Connection Program’ on how to make your members feel special, valued, and appreciated. When people feel valued, they will WANT to engage in your offers! The best NEWS OF ALL is that we will coach & train you how to make an offer without it feeling like an offer!
‘It’s a PARTY and THEY ARE INVITED!’ The secret behind a Customer Community that WORKS is that it feels like a party! You’ll receive our, ‘It’s a PARTY and THEY ARE INVITED’ map that will spell it out A-Z!
When is the next ‘BLACK FRIDAY SALE?’ The SECRET to CONVERSION is to give VALUE, VALUE & MORE VALUE and then once or twice a month have a fun THEME like ‘BLACK FRIDAY’ that engages your customers to say “YES! Don’t worry!” You’ll so get it once you see it and we coach you around it.

Beth and Kelly have built multi-million dollar Direct Sales organizations through live and virtual events, online social sharing, and have developed numerous team members to prestigious leadership positions!

They now coach and train thousands in the Direct Sales Industry how to create their ideal online business! How do Beth and Kelly differentiate from most coaches and trainers? They’ve done it themselves–and they train what they’ve done successfully!

Beth Reed

Beth has combined her corporate design and technology background with her love for helping women succeed.

Beth is passionate about helping women see that they can have more, do more–and even BE more–through direct sales.

Kelly Van Balkom

Kelly is Social Media Strategist, Life Coach and Success Trainer.

Kelly’s passion is helping women reach their full potential and have the life they always dreamed of.

Offered by Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. –